Mail your offerings
You may bring your offerings to the office between 9 and 3 Monday – Friday (except Good Friday), or mail your offering by check to the church office. Please include one offering envelope or a slip of paper stating your name, envelope number, and how you wish your offering divided (St. Paul’s Ministry Fund, Missions Fund, Benevolence Fund). You might consider mailing your offering once or twice a month to save on postage.
Electronically transfer your offerings
If you would like your offerings to be regularly, automatically withdrawn from your checking or savings account through Vanco, please stop by the office to pick up or fill out a form. You may also mail the information below to the church office. There is no fee for you to use this service. You may transfer funds on the 1st of the month only, the 15th of the month only, or both the 1st and 15th of each month. You may designate how to divide your offering between the St. Paul’s Ministry Fund, Missions Fund, and Benevolence Fund. You will need to provide the following information:
Name __________________________ Address ____________________________ Env. No. ____
Bank Routing No. *___________________________ Account No. _________________________
Savings or Checking Account? (circle one). Date to begin transfers: ________________
Transfer Frequency (circle one): Once a month on 1st. Once a month on 15th.
Twice a month on the 1st and 15th.
Your Offerings per Transfer: St. Paul’s Ministry Fund: $_____________.00
Mission Fund: $_____________.00
Benevolence Fund: $_____________.00
* Your bank/credit union Routing Number can be found on your checks, or you can call them. The 9-digit routing number is the same for all accounts at the same institution. Your savings account number can be found on your statements.
Thank you for considering how you can continue to support God’s ministry during these times. As Paul wrote to believers in the city of Philippi who supported his work: “[Your offerings] are a sweet smelling aroma, an acceptable sacrifice, well-pleasing to God. And my God will supply all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:19-20)